Welcome to the IntegraCare Training Programme on person-centered care for professionals!
This course is developed in the framework of the IntegraCare: Person-centred care training program for multidisciplinary professionals project - a Strategic Partnership funded by the European Commission under the frame of ERASMUS+ where different European organizations specialized in the areas of health, care and education join efforts to develop a training programme that allow professionals from socio-health sector and care for dependent people understand and successfully apply Person-Centered Care Models and Approaches.
Before you start, we invite you to take a look at the IntegraCare Course presentation.
Take a look at this section to find out some basic information about how the course is organised, which are the main contents, and evaluation methods. Click on the images to advance or use the arrows to navigate the content.
Clicking on the link below will open a new window with the presentation.
Throughout the course modules you will discover some terms or expressions that are basic to understand the person-centered care approach.
We have collected them in this glossary so you can consult them at any time.